CIPOLLETTA, S., TOMAINO, S.C.M., MAGNO, E.L., FACCIO, E. (2020) Illness experiences and attitudes towards medication in online communities for people with fibromyalgia, in “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, 17 (22), art. no. 8683, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17228683 SCOPUS
FACCIO, E., SARIGU, D., IUDICI, A. (2020) What is it Like to Be a BDSM Player? The Role of Sexuality and Erotization of Power in the BDSM Experience, in “Sexuality and Culture”, 24 (5), pp. 1641-1652. DOI: 10.1007/s12119-020-09703-x. SCOPUS
IUDICI, A., MASIELLO, P., FACCIO, E., TURCHI, G. (2020) Tackling Prejudice and Discrimination Towards Families with Same-Sex Parents: An Exploratory Study in Italy, in “ Sexuality and Culture”, 24 (5), pp. 1544-1561. DOI: 10.1007/s12119-020-09711-x. SCOPUS
NERI, J., FACCIO, E., IUDICI, A. (2020) Trans people’s attitudes and beliefs regarding the diagnosis of “gender dysphoria”: Research in the italian context, in “Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity”, 7 (3), pp. 316-328. DOI: 10.1037/sgd0000425. SCOPUS
PAWELCZYK, J., FACCIO, E., TALARCZYK, M. (2020) Working with gender in psychotherapy: A discursive analysis of psychotherapy sessions with women suffering from bulimia, in “Text and Talk”, pp. 777-796. DOI: 10.1515/text-2019-0132. SCOPUS
FACCIO, E., AQUILI, L., ROCELLI, M. (2020) It’s the way you treat me that makes me angry, it’s not a question of madness: Good and bad practice in dealing with violence in the mental health services, in “Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing”. DOI: 10.1111/jpm.12690 SCOPUS
IUDICI, A., TURCHI, G.P., & FACCIO, E., (2020) Some considerations about auditory verbal hallucinations in the clinical field, Rozważania kliniczne dotyczące halucynacji słuchowych słownych Psychiatr Psychol Klin 2020, 20 (1), p. 77–79 DOI: 10.15557/PiPK.2020.0010 5 SCOPUS
NERI, J., IUDICI A., AND FACCIO E. (2020). “The Concept of “Normality” in Medical and Psychological Sciences: Differences and Interconnections.” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies 15 (1): 35-45. doi:10.18848/2324- 7576/CGP/v15i01/35-45. SCOPUS
NERI, J., IUDICI, A., & FACCIO, E., (2020). The Concept of “Normality” in Medical and Psychological Sciences: Differences and Interconnections.” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies 15 (1): 35-45. doi:10.18848/2324-7576/CGP/v15i01/35-45. SCOPUS
FACCIO, E., MAZZUCATO, M., IUDICI, A. (2020) Discursive chains: How prison becomes real and chains identity movements for a sex offender, in “ International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy”, 9 (1), pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.5204/ijcjsd.v9i2.1434 SCOPUS
FACCIO, E., SARIGU, D., IUDICI, A. (2020) A.What is it Like to Be a BDSM Player? The Role of Sexuality and Erotization of Power in the BDSM Experience, in “Sexuality and Culture”. DOI: 10.1007/s12119- 020-09703-x SCOPUS
IUDICI, A., MASIELLO, P., FACCIO, E., TURCHI, G. P. (2020) Tackling Prejudice and Discrimination Towards Families with Same-Sex Parents: An Exploratory Study in Italy, in “ Sexuality and Culture”. DOI: 10.1007/s12119-020-09711-x. SCOPUS
IUDICI, A., FILOSA, E., TURCHI, G.P., & FACCIO, E. (2020). Management of the Disease of primary Immunodeficiencies: an exploratory investigation of the discourses and clinical and social implications. Current Psychology, 1-10, SCOPUS
FACCIO, E., IUDICI, A., & CIPOLLETTA, S. (2019). To Tell or not to Tell? Parents’ Reluctance to Talking About Conceiving Their Children Using Medically Assisted Reproduction, in “Sexuality & Culture“, 23(2), 525-543.
FACCIO, E., TURCO, F. & IUDICI, A. (2019). Self-writing as a tool for change: the effectiveness of a psychotherapy using diary. in “Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome” 2019; volume 22:256-264. ARTICOLO INDEX IN SCOPUS AND WEB OF SCIENCE.
TURCHI, G. P., IUDICI, A., & FACCIO, E. (2019). From suicide due to an economic-financial crisis to the management of entrepreneurial health: elements of a biographical change management service and clinical implications, in “Frontiers in psychology”, 10, 426. ARTICOLO INDEX IN SCOPUS AND WEB OF SCIENCE- Quartile: Q1
IUDICI, A., FACCIO, E., CASTELNUOVO, G., & TURCHI, G. P. (2019). The methodological bias that can reduce (or affect) the process of diagnostic construction in clinical settings, in “Frontiers in psychology“, 10, 157. ARTICOLO INDEX IN SCOPUS AND WEB OF SCIENCE- Quartile: Q1
FACCIO, E., BELLONI, E., CIPOLLETTA, S., IUDICI, A., CASTIGLIONI, M. & MANNARINI, S. (2019). The power of weight and the weight of power in adolescence: a comparison between young and adult women, in “JOURNAL OF FAMILY STUDIES”, DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2016.1187660. ARTICOLO INDEX IN SCOPUS- Quartile: Q2
FACCIO, E., & GUIOTTO NAI FOVINO, L. (2019). Food Neophobia or Distrust of Novelties? Exploring Consumers’ Attitudes toward GMOs, Insects and Cultured Meat, in “Applied Sciences“, 9(20), 4440.
FACCIO, E., BELLONI, E., CIPOLLETTA, S., IUDICI, A., CASTIGLIONI, M., & MANNARINI, S. (2019). The power of weight and the weight of power in adolescence: a comparison between young and adult women, in “Journal of Family Studies“, 25(1), 46-60.
CIPOLLETTA, S., SIMONATO, C., & FACCIO, E. (2019). The effectiveness of psychoeducational support groups for women with breast cancer and their caregivers: a mixed methods study, in “Frontiers in psychology“, 10.
FACCIO E., SOLARINO M., VITELLI R., & CIPOLLETTA S. (2018), Normalisation versus medicalisation of sexual disturbances during menopause: A qualitative research in the italian context, in “Sexuality and Culture”, 22(2), pp. 445-461. doi:10.1007/s12119-017-9477-z.
FACCIO E., MININNI G., & ROCELLI M. (2018), What it is like to be “ex”? psycho-discursive analysis of a dangling identity, in “Culture and Psychology”,24(2), pp. 233-247. doi:10.1177/1354067X17735502.
FACCIO E., TURCO F., DELLADIO N. (2018). Scrivere di sé aiuta? Potenzialità dell’Autobiografia per la Psicoterapia, in “Scienze dell’Interazione. Rivista di Psicologia Clinica e Psicoterapia”, N.1-2, pag. 54-68.
IUDICI, A., NERI, J. & FACCIO, E. (2018), The Representation of the “Science” Construct in the Diagnostic Manuals. An Exploratory Research on the Use of the Scientific Term in the icd-10, in the dsm-5 and in the pdm, in “Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana”, Vol 36(3), pp. 553-568. Doi:
IUDICI, A., IACOVELLO, G., FACCIO, E. (2018), Action Changes the Brain, and the Brain Does Not Define Action:a Lesson from Neuroscience on Certain Biases in the Clinical Context, in “Activitas Nervosa Superior”,
IUDICI A, BOCCATO F., FACCIO E. (2018), Perspectives on reoffenders: The views of detainees, the general public and those working with offenders, in “International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy”, 7(1), pp. 60‐ DOI: 5204/ijcjsd.v7i1.356.
IUDICI A., FACCIO E., ROCELLI M., TURCO F., MAZZUCATO M. (2018). Dall’educazione della salute a scuola a una scuola competente in salute: storia e sviluppi degli interventi di contrasto alle sostanze psicotrope, in “Scienze dell’Interazione. Rivista di Psicologia Clinica e Psicoterapia”, N.1-2, pag. 69-78.
FACCIO E., IUDICI A., TURCO F., MAZZUCATO M., & CASTELNUOVO G. (2017), What works for promoting health at school: Improving programs against the substance abuse, in“Frontiers in Psychology”, 8(OCT) doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01743.
FACCIO E., NARDIN A., & CIPOLLETTA S. (2016), Becoming ex-obese: Narrations about identity changes before and after the experience of the bariatric surgery, in“Journal of Clinical Nursing”, 25(11-12), pp. 1713-1720. doi:10.1111/jocn.13222.
FACCIO E., BELLONI E., CIPOLLETTA S., IUDICI A., CASTIGLIONI M., & MANNARINI S. (2016), The power of weight and the weight of power in adolescence: A comparison between young and adult women, in “Journal of Family Studies”,1-16. doi:10.1080/13229400.2016.1187660.
FACCIO E., CASINI C., & CIPOLLETTA S. (2014), Forbidden games: The construction of sexuality and sexual pleasure by BDSM ‘players’, in“Culture, Health and Sexuality”,16(7), pp. 752-764. doi:10.1080/13691058.2014.909531.
FACCIO E., BORDIN E., & CIPOLLETTA S. (2013), Transsexual parenthood and new role assumptions, in“Culture, Health and Sexuality”,15(9), pp. 1055-1070. doi:10.1080/13691058.2013.806676.
FACCIO E. (2013), The Corporeal Identity: When the Self-Image Hurts, pp. 1-167. Springer, New York DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-5680-3.
FACCIO E., & COSTA N. (2013), The presentation of self in everyday prison life: Reading interactions in prison from a dramaturgic point of view, in “Global Crime”,14(4), pp. 386-403. doi:10.1080/17440572.2013.831761.
FACCIO E., COSTA N., LOSASSO C., CAPPA V., MANTOVANI C., CIBIN V., RICCI A. (2013), What programs work to promote health for children? exploring beliefs on microorganisms and on food safety control behavior in primary schools, in “Food Control”,33(2), pp. 320-329. doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.03.005.
FACCIO E., ROMAIOLI D., DAGANI J., & CIPOLLETTA S. (2013), Auditory hallucinations as a personal experience: Analysis of non-psychiatric voice hearers’ narrations, in“Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing”,20(9), pp. 761-767. doi:10.1111/jpm.12008.
FACCIO E., CASTIGLIONI M., & BELL R. C. (2012), Extracting information from repertory grid data: New perspectives on clinical and assessment practice, in“TPM – Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology”,19(3), pp. 177-196. doi:10.4473/TPM19.3.3.
FACCIO E., BELLONI E., & CASTELNUOVO G. (2012), The power semantics in self and other repertory grid representations: A comparison between obese and normal-weight adult women, in “Frontiers in Psychology”,3(DEC) doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00517.
FACCIO E., CENTOMO C., & MININNI G. (2011), “Measuring up to measure” dysmorphophobia as a language game, in“Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science”,45(3), pp. 304-324. doi:10.1007/s12124-011-9179-2.
FACCIO E. (2011), What works with individuals in a clinical setting?, in“Frontiers in Psychology”,2(JAN) doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00002.